Come utilizzare la pietra refrattaria per pizza Biscotto di Sorrento

How to use the Biscotto di Sorrento refractory pizza stone

A pizza stone is an essential accessory for lovers of homemade pizza. Using it correctly can make the difference between a mediocre pizza and a real delicacy. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your pizza stone:

1. Preheat the oven: Before baking the pizza, make sure to preheat the pizza stone in the oven to a high temperature. This will help create a crispy, well-cooked base.

2. Use the peel: To transfer the pizza from the work surface to the refractory stone and vice versa, it is advisable to use a pizza peel or a special spatula. This will prevent the pizza from deforming during the transfer.

3. Slide the pizza: Once you have rolled out the dough on the floured peel, slide it gently onto the preheated pizza stone. This will help prevent the pizza from sticking to the stone.

4. Monitor cooking: Constantly monitor the pizza as it cooks to make sure it doesn't burn. The pizza stone will maintain the heat evenly, but it's still important to pay attention to cooking times.

5. Take advantage of residual heat: After removing the pizza from the oven, leave it to rest on the refractory stone to take advantage of the residual heat and finish cooking optimally.

Using a pizza stone can transform the experience of making and enjoying this classic dish. By following these tips, you can get a homemade pizza with a crispy base and an authentic flavor, similar to that cooked in a traditional wood-fired oven.

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