Aversa Furnace the only manufacturers of refractory pizza stone Sorrento Biscuit

The Fornaci di Maiano where the Sorrento Biscuit is produced.

Not everyone knows that the art of brick making in Maiano is one of the oldest masters of the Sorrento Peninsula.
This activity, in fact, was or rather still is peculiar today thanks to the properties of the clay itself, a clayey soil rich in silicon characteristic of our places which, worked by hand, makes the brick very porous so that it can heat up quickly and retain heat for a long time.
In addition to this very intense work in the past (the Sorrento area is mentioned in a document from 1492), many other activities characterised the area, such as the production of tiles and roof tiles, still visible today on the roofs of some houses on the Sorrento Peninsula, the creation of lathe-turned objects such as foot warmers, embers, vases, piggy banks and the production of terracotta pipes.
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